8 Jaw Chuck
8 Jaw Chuck

AE AWL Type 8-Jaw Chuck

The AE AWL Type 8-Jaw Chuck is a specialized type of scroll chuck designed for precise clamping of small-diameter workpieces. 
Features: 8 Jaws: Unlike standard 3-jaw chucks or 4-jaw chucks, it has eight jaws arranged in a specific pattern. This allows for more even gripping force distribution and improved concentricity, especially crucial for delicate or irregularly shaped parts.
AWL Type: This refers to the shape of the jaws, which are typically pointed or have a narrow tip. This design is ideal for gripping small, intricate components that might be difficult to hold securely with standard jaws.
Scroll Mechanism: The chuck utilizes a scroll mechanism to adjust the jaw position, allowing for precise clamping force and accurate workpiece centering.

AE AWL Type 8-Jaw Chuck
Spec/Model A B C D E F G H J K L Max Speed
Max Gripping
Diameter OD
AE-09 233 84 190 210 100 5.5 4-M12×1.75P 85 24 60 12 1000 Ø7-Ø100 21

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